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Little Apprentice

Hi, I am Mikkel. Too young yet to understand what is wine and how it tastes like, but compared to most of the kids, I am already an experienced wine maker. ;-)

After the harvest, Daddy has been disappearing in the winery doing some secrete jobs dancing with the tubes and singing with the noisy pomps. I heard this year we are short of hands. So I thought, I have also hands, although they are literally short hands, it doesn't mean they are not good hands. So I became the apprentice of the day when daddy said the juice in the fermentation tank is ready to be separated from the skins.

I ask many questions, like how long the grape juice need to stay in the tank? Why the skins need to be separated? What will happen to the wine now? Why my hands turn black after working with the wine juice?

My major job is to get the skins out of the fermentation tank after the juice has been pumped into the storage tank. It's a job requires a lot of power! Perhaps I need to eat more spinach. Then the skins are gently pressed. The beautiful red juice was pumped into the storage tank.

Having worked so hard in the winery, I have a lot of respect for this red juice and I hope I can taste the wine of this year that I also contributed when I grew up.

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