Summer has passed with a blink of an eye. There has been a lot of playful and relaxing moments in Bionzo with the family, but most of all we received in Qimisola this summer a lot of friends from far and near, from old times and new ones... Those connecting memories have added the most colorful brushes to our picturesque summer. Somehow, for us the wines and the stories go hand in hand, in a most natural way,
Lars and I have become the master planners to weave "seamlessly" the harvesting activities between our busy traveling schedules. Before and after my busy trip to China for delivering a tailor-made training program, Lars' budget meeting in Canada, our joint trip to Portugal, we managed to harvest at different times as they ripened the Pinot Nero, Barbera and Gamba Rosso grapes with the help of our field worker and our kind neighbors. It was probably more stressful than joyful when in the middle of it, but looking back the only feeling that resides is joy.
While editing through the footages I captured during the harvest, I see a lot of little details that I didn't see or didn't have time and space to process... Perhaps this is like the grape to the wine, both needs the right catalyst and the right amount of time for transformation to happen.... :-)
Let me continue the joy of sharing with the above video, in memory of the rich summer and a rewarding harvest!